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Discussion Board Posts

College Discussion Posts: Why Are We All Pretending to Care?

Let’s be real for a sec—college discussion posts are the worst. We’ve all been there, sitting in front of our laptops, staring at some random classmate’s post, pretending to care long enough to crank out a “thoughtful” reply. And don’t even get me started on those posts that require you to comment on multiple classmates’…

Discussion Board Posts

How to Delete a Discussion Board Post (Because We’ve All Been There)

Okay, babes, we’ve all been there—posting something on a discussion board that you immediately regret, only to find out it’s much harder to erase than you’d think. Maybe you spilled a bit too much tea, or your BFF copied someone’s homework (yikes!) and you’re trying to save the day. Regardless of the reason, the question…

Discussion Board Posts

How Long Should You Really Spend on Discussion Posts?

Let’s talk about the unspoken struggle that every student faces – the dreaded discussion posts. Whether you’re a perfectionist pouring hours into your response or a last-minute queen, we’ve all been there, staring at the prompt, wondering, “How long should this take me?” Well, you’re not alone! From overachievers spending days to get everything just…

Discussion Board Posts

Why Are You Suddenly Getting All Those Canvas Notifications? Here’s the Fix!

You’re casually going about your day, phone in hand, when suddenly it starts buzzing nonstop. It’s not your BFF or a fun group chat—it’s your course discussion board on Canvas. Ugh! Annoying, right? If you’re in the middle of classes, you’ve probably noticed these random notifications popping up whenever someone replies to a discussion post….

Discussion Board Posts

How to Hack Canvas Discussion Posts Without Getting Caught (But Should You?)

Okay, we’ve all been there. It’s 11:59 pm, the discussion post is due in one minute, and you haven’t even started writing. So, what’s the quick fix? Type a little dot (“.”), hit submit, and bam! Now you’ve got access to everyone else’s posts without actually doing the work first. Pretty slick, right? Well, maybe…